/manager/Index en-au 5 Building effective service linkages in primary mental health care: a narrative review part 2 /manager/Repository/uon:15672 Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:11:59 AEST ]]> Effectiveness of service linkages in primary mental health care: a narrative review part 1 /manager/Repository/uon:15674 Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:33:40 AEST ]]> Adult family member experiences during an older loved one's delirium: a narrative literature review /manager/Repository/uon:24933 TM searches were conducted using search terms for delirium, family, experience and older people. Results: Though family members are important partners in the care of older people, there has been little exploration of their experiences during delirium. Current literature identifies that family members experience unexpected, rapid and unpredictable changes in their older loved one, absence of the person they know, distress, not knowing about delirium nor how to help, and supportive and unsupportive relationships with health care staff. Conclusions: Health care staff need understanding about what it means for family to have someone close to them have delirium. Without understanding, it is difficult for staff to respond with compassion, provide support and appropriately include family in the older person's care. There is a need to mitigate family distress and provide support, including information which addresses family concerns.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:14:19 AEDT ]]>